Tech With Tim





Looking Into a REAL Codebase - Beyond the Basics

Looking Into a REAL Codebase - Beyond the Basics

If you've never worked as a software engineer, then chances are you've never seen a big codebase. So today, i'm going to show you exactly that. I have a codebase that i've been working on for a long time that i've developed with another software engineer. This code base has a few hundred thousand lines of code, hundreds of different files, & quite a large structure to it with multiple components. If you want to land a developer job: Skool community for free resources: ⏳ Timestamps ⏳ 00:00 | Introduction 00:27 | Code Walkthrough Hashtags #TechWithTim #RealCodebase #SoftwareDevelopment #LearnToCode #tech with tim #Real codebase #Tech with Tim #software development #professional coding #codebase tour #coding for beginners #real-world programming #learn to code #understanding code #software engineering #project structure #code review #programming practices #coding standards #development workflow #version control #GitHub projects #open source code #clean code techniques #codebase examples #practical coding #code organization #programming tips #developer insights
00:00:00 - 00:10:12
Data Structures & Algorithms Roadmap - What You NEED To Learn

Data Structures & Algorithms Roadmap - What You NEED To Learn

Data structures & Algorithms is a MUST-KNOW topic for anyone who wants to be a software engineer. In this video, I'm going to break down exactly what you need to learn, the order in which you should learn it, & give you some details on which you should focus on for each individual topic. If you want to land a developer job have a look at my software development course with CourseCareers: Access the text based version of this guide from Skool (for free): ⏳ Timestamps ⏳ 00:00 | The Complete Roadmap 00:33 | Time Complexity & Algorithm Analysis 02:04 | Basic Data Structures 08:50 | Fundamentals Algorithms 13:49 | Advanced Optional Learning Hashtags #TechWithTim #DataStructures #Algorithms #CodingRoadmap #tech with tim #Data structures #algorithms #coding roadmap #Tech with Tim #programming guide #computer science #algorithm tutorial #data structures tutorial #learn to code #coding for beginners #software development #programming basics #advanced coding #coding interview preparation #algorithmic thinking #Python data structures #Java algorithms #coding challenges #efficient coding #problem-solving skills #programming concepts #computer science fundamentals
00:00:00 - 00:16:21
How To Make a Django REST API - Full Tutorial & Deployment

How To Make a Django REST API - Full Tutorial & Deployment

In this video, I'll teach you how to make a Django API using Python & the Django REST framework. This API will be able create, read, & delete data. At the end of this video, I'll even show you how to deploy this API to a public URL. Try Acorn Today! If you want to land a developer job: 🎞 Video Resources 🎞 Test out the API: Code in this video: How to Install Acorn: Learn more about Acorn: ⏳ Timestamps ⏳ 00:00 | Introduction 01:00 | Installation/Setup 02:18 | Creating A Django Project 04:43 | Defining The Models 07:07 | Defining The Serializer 09:05 | Creating Views 11:36 | Defining The URLs 15:26 | Database Migrations 18:10 | Creating More Complex Views 23:02 | Creating Custom Views 24:53 | Deploying The API 35:32 | Sharing The Deployment Hashtags #api #programming #techwithtim #django #tech with tim #Django REST API #build REST API #Django tutorial #Python web development #Tech with Tim #Django beginner guide #REST API tutorial #full Django course #Python API development #Django project #learn Django #API guide #web programming #Django backend tutorial #server-side development #Python frameworks #Django for beginners #RESTful API with Django #web app development #Django REST framework #Python programming #create API #backend programming
00:00:00 - 00:40:18
Junior Developers, Listen Up...

Junior Developers, Listen Up...

As someone who has been learning & teaching programming for nearly a decade, I'm going to share a bit of wisdom to those of you who are relatively new to coding. Check out my new software development course: 🔖 Tags 🔖 - How To Learn Programming - Advice For Beginner Programmers - How To Make Money Online Hashtags #techwithtim #programming #artificialintelligence #junior developer #coding #programming #tech with tim #learn coding #coding for beginners #junior developers #developer #software engineer #how to learn coding #coding is hard #how to learn programming
00:00:00 - 00:06:20
I Made 200 Python Projects...Here Are My 5 FAVORITES

I Made 200 Python Projects...Here Are My 5 FAVORITES

Dive into this video as I share my top selections from the 200 Python projects I've completed. I'll highlight the projects that not only captivated my interest but also enhanced my skills and understanding of Python. The best part? None of these are super complicated so you can build them out on your own in just a few days. Get started creating no-code apps with Bubble today! If you want to land a developer job: Skool community for free resources: Discord server: 🎞 Video Resources 🎞 Project Code: ⏳ Timestamps ⏳ 00:00 | Introduction 00:23 | How To Build Projects Faster 01:29 | Project 1 02:55 | Project 2 04:36 | Project 3 05:50 | Project 4 09:35 | Project 5 10:36 | Conclusion Hashtags #PythonProjects #CodingJourney #TechWithTim #PythonProgramming #DeveloperLife #tech with tim #Python #Python projects #Tech with Tim #programming #coding #developer #learn Python #Python tutorials #best Python projects #coding tips #programming journey #Python for beginners #advanced Python #coding challenges #software development #Python applications #coding education #coding tutorial #beginner Python #programming tips #project ideas #learn coding #Python code #best practices
00:00:00 - 00:11:23
Python + JavaScript - Full Stack App Tutorial

Python + JavaScript - Full Stack App Tutorial

Dive deep into full stack development in this comprehensive guide, where I will walk you through building a dynamic web application from scratch, utilizing the power of Python with Flask for the backend and JavaScript with React for the frontend. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth tech tutorials from Tech with Tim. Join the discussion in the comments below and share your progress or ask questions. Register for the NVIDIA GTC: Enter the Giveaway: The Future of Extended Reality and Generative AI [S62751]: Large-Scale Production Deployment of RAG Pipelines [DLIT63054] Exploring AI-Assisted Developer Tools for Accelerated Computing [SE62128] 🎞 Video Resources 🎞 Full Code: If you want to land a developer job: If you want to learn Web 3 & Blockchain: (use code “tim”) If you want learn Python & Go: (use code “tim”) Skool community for free resources: Discord server: ⏳ Timestamps ⏳ 00:00 | Introduction 02:40 | Project Demo 04:27 | Setup & Installation 08:50 | Building The Backend 45:08 | Building The Frontend Hashtags #PythonJavaScriptTutorial #fullstackdevelopment #FlaskReact #TechWithTim #WebDevelopmentGuide #tech with tim #Python Flask Tutorial #JavaScript React Guide #Full Stack Development #Tech with Tim #Web Application Tutorial #Flask React Integration #Python JavaScript Projects #Learn Full Stack #Flask Web Development #React for Beginners #Advanced Programming #Coding Tutorial #Web Dev Skills #Full Stack Python JS #Building Web Apps #Flask React Tutorial #Full Stack Course #Python Web Development #JavaScript Frameworks #Tech Tutorials
00:00:00 - 01:29:25
Mastering JavaScript - EVERYTHING You Need To Know

Mastering JavaScript - EVERYTHING You Need To Know

In this video, I've put together a comprehensive guide to mastering JavaScript. We'll start with the basics and work our way up to some advanced techniques. Join me as we explore everything you need to know to become a JavaScript pro! Check out this FREE "Introduction to JavaScript" guide from HubSpot: If you want to land a developer job: Join my Skool community for free resources: Discord server: ⏳ Timestamps ⏳ 00:00 | Overview 00:34 | Free Resource 01:03 | Beginner 05:17 | Intermediate 08:04 | Advanced 10:46 | Expert/Master -- Beginner -- Variables: var, let, const Data Types: Strings, Numbers, Booleans, null, undefined. Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical,  Conditionals Control Flow: if/else, switch, ternary operator. Basic Data Structures: Arrays, Objects, Mutability. Loops: for, while, do...while, iterating over arrays with forEach. Functions: Declaration, Invocation, Return, Parameters vs Arguments. Common Methods Sets, Maps Advanced Functions: Arrow functions, default parameters, rest parameters. Scope DOM Manipulation: Selecting and changing webpage elements, handling user input. Event Handling: addEventListener, handling clicks, form submissions. Basic Debugging: using browser dev tools, debugger. -- Intermediate -- Error Handling: try...catch, throwing custom errors. Important operators: null coalescing, optional chaining, ternary operator Asynchronous JavaScript: Callbacks, Promises, async/await. APIs: Fetch API, working with JSON, making HTTP requests. Object-Oriented JavaScript: this, new, constructor functions, class syntax. Prototypal Inheritance: Prototype chain, creating prototypes, inheritance patterns. Module System: ES6 modules (import/export), CommonJS (require/module.exports). Tooling: npm, basic webpack, Babel. Functional Programming Basics: Pure functions, higher-order functions, closures, .map(), .filter(), .reduce(). -- Advanced -- Advanced Asynchronous Patterns: Microtasks, Macrotasks, Event Loop, Web Workers. Advanced DOM & Web APIs: IntersectionObserver, WebSockets, localStorage/sessionStorage. State Management: Understanding State, Introduction to State Management Libraries (e.g., Redux). Advanced Object-Oriented JavaScript: Factory Functions, Mixins, Composition. Functional Programming: Immutability, Recursion, Function Composition, Currying. Advanced Error Handling: Custom error types, error tracking. Performance Optimization: Lazy loading, Debouncing and Throttling, Memoization. Security Essentials: XSS, CSRF, CORS, Content Security Policy. Testing: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, E2E Testing, Frameworks (Jest, Mocha/Chai). Build Tools & Automation: Advanced webpack, Gulp, npm scripts. -- Expert/Master -- Design Patterns: Module Pattern, Factory, Singleton, Observer, etc. Advanced State Management: State Machines, Redux Middleware Advanced Performance Optimization: Code Splitting, Tree Shaking, Web Assembly. Type Systems: TypeScript, Flow. Server-Side JavaScript: Node.js, Express, RESTful API design, GraphQL. Full-Stack Development: MERN Stack, Server-Side Rendering. Modern Frameworks: In-depth understanding of frameworks like React, Angular, Vue. Architecture & Scalability: Microservices, Load Balancing, Caching Strategies, CDN. Hashtags #techwithtim #javascript #javascripttutorial #tech with tim #JavaScriptTutorial #LearnJavaScript #JavaScriptBasics #JavaScriptAdvanced #JavaScriptExpert #CodingTutorial #WebDevelopment #TechwithTim #JavaScriptSkills #CodingSkills #ProgrammingTutorial #JavaScriptMasterclass #JavaScriptLearning #JavaScriptTips #JavaScriptTricks #BeginnerCoding #AdvancedJavaScript #ExpertCoding #CodingJourney #WebDevTutorial #javascript skills #learning javascript #master javascript
00:00:00 - 00:13:28
ADVANCED Python AI Agent Tutorial - Using RAG

ADVANCED Python AI Agent Tutorial - Using RAG

In this video, I will be showing you how to create an artificial intelligence agent that will be able to use all of the tools that we provide it with. That's right, we will create and AI agent & give it various tools for it to use selectively based on the task at hand. Note: This video refers to llamaindex version 0.9. On Feb 12th, 2024 llamaindex version 0.10 was released which is mostly the same but has some added functionality :) 🎞 Video Resources 🎞 Check out Llama Index: Llama Index Docs: Population Dataset: Llama Hub: Code in this video: ⏳ Timestamps ⏳ 00:00 | Overview 00:27 | Project Demos 03:54 | Understanding Agents & RAG 06:29 | Installation/Setup 09:00 | Data Sources 13:18 | Querying Pandas Data 19:17 | Building Agent Capabilities 29:18 | Querying Unstructured Data 39:38 | Next Steps Hashtags #PythonAI #TechWithTim #AICoding #tech with tim #Advanced Python AI #AI Agent Tutorial #Tech with Tim Python #RAG AI Model #Python AI Projects #Python Programming #AI Development #Machine Learning Python #RAG Agent Creation #Artificial Intelligence Tutorial #Python Coding AI #Python RAG Tutorial #Tech with Tim AI #Advanced AI Programming #Python Machine Learning #Creating AI with Python #AI Technology Guide #Python AI Techniques #RAG Model Tutorial #AI Coding Guide
00:00:00 - 00:40:59
Python or JavaScript - Which One Should YOU Learn?

Python or JavaScript - Which One Should YOU Learn?

In this video, I dive into the age-old debate: Python vs. JavaScript. Join me as I break down the strengths and weaknesses of each language, helping you make an informed decision on which one is right for you. Tune in to discover the best fit for your coding journey! If you want to land a developer job: If you want to learn Web 3 & Blockchain: (use code “tim”) If you want learn Python & Go: (use code “tim”) Skool community for free resources: Discord server: ⏳ Timestamps ⏳ 00:00 | Python Or JavaScript? 00:18 | What Is The Same? 01:38 | Main Differences 02:54 | Frameworks & Libraries 04:30 | My Recommendation 05:03 | Keep This In Mind 06:57 | If You're Still Unsure Hashtags #Python #JavaScript #Programming #TechComparison #CodingDebate #TechTips #ProgrammingLanguages #TechWithTim #tech with tim #Python vs JavaScript #Programming Languages #Tech Comparison #Coding Debate #Python Programming #JavaScript Development #Tech with Tim #Programming Tips #Coding Advice #python vs javascript #python #javascript #should you learn python or javascript #python or javacript #javascript or python #what is the best programming language #learn python #learn javascript
00:00:00 - 00:08:05
5 Mini JavaScript Projects - For Beginners

5 Mini JavaScript Projects - For Beginners

Get TypeAI PREMIUM now! Start your FREE trial by clicking the link here: Today I will be walking you through 5 different JavaScript projects for beginners. These practical projects will take you about 15 - 20 minutes each. By the end of this video you will have 5 working applications complete with JavaScript, HTML, & CSS. If you want to land a developer job: If you want to learn Web 3 & Blockchain: (use code “tim”) If you want learn Python & Go: (use code “tim”) Skool community for free resources: Discord server: 🎞 Video Resources 🎞 Code In This Video: ⏳ Timestamps ⏳ 00:00 | Overview 02:13 | Project Demos 05:09 | Environment Setup 06:43 | Color Flipper 30:21 | Palindrome Checker 45:43 | Random Quote Generator 01:02:34 | Stop Watch 01:19:20 | Persistent ToDo List Hashtags #techwithtim #howtocode #javascipt #tech with tim #javascript introduction for beginners #javascript for beginners #javascript for beginners 2018 #javascript introduction #coding for beginners #javascript primer #javascript (programming language) #javascript #self-taught software developer #learning how to code #andy sterkowitz #learn programming #javascript projects #how to code #how to learn javascript fast
00:00:00 - 01:45:09